ACPOLESS Collection
ACPOLESS is a skincare collection which contains the first and only effective ingredient sebum secretion suppression, "Rice Power No.6 Extract".
It helps prevent and treat various skin concerns such as pores, acne, and oily skin with an innovative approach.
ACPOLESS delivers confident smile, and clear and smooth skin to you.


WE CARE FOR YOUR SKIN - Fragrance free, Petroleum free, no artificial colors, no animal-derived ingredients
- Allergy and irritation patch tested
(Does not guarantee that allergic reaction and skin irritation will not occur for all people)
- Non comedogenic products
(Does not guarantee that acne will not occur for all people)

New active ingredient for suppression of sebum production
Formulated with "Rice Power No.6"
that has been approved for the first time in Japan to supress sebum secretion

アクポレスは毛穴・ニキビの主な原因となる皮脂過剰に対し、皮脂分泌抑制成分「ライスパワーNo.6エキス」を配合した日本初の専用ケアシリーズ アクポレスは毛穴・ニキビの主な原因となる皮脂過剰に対し、皮脂分泌抑制成分「ライスパワーNo.6エキス」を配合した日本初の専用ケアシリーズ